The small framed drawings are really where this story begins. For years we talked about a cabin – oh wouldn’t it be nice. But the truth is we really didn’t have a plan and it was low on the priority list. I was happy to just dream of all the green and cozy cabin vibes. Now, I’m not going to lie, a beach house was also on the dream list. We knew someday we wished for a second place to enjoy family time and be able to include our pets when we traveled. After all, there’s no place like home and your own bed and we wanted that feeling in another environment.
Like everyone else, when Covid hit we had more time to sit around and get serious about what some of our dreams really would look like. Of course, I thought about it a lot but I never really wrote it down. I wasn’t manifesting my dreams on paper. Remember the “Secret”? I hadn’t even looked at properties online to do research. Then…one day I did. I found a home I thought was amazing. No plan, we just hopped in the car and went to see. it. It WAS amazing! But, we had no plan and it wasn’t for us.
What changed in that moment was we began to see ourselves as cabin owners – we could feel it. We sat down and drew these pictures of what our cabin would look like and when we would make it ours. And, it happened! Moral of the story – believe in your own mumbo jumbo and write it down, put it on paper and find a way to make it happen someday. And then, in reality, freak out and ask yourselves, “Wow, what have we done?” (just keeping it real here. haha)
This is our story. Stay tuned for pictures of how close our drawings came to the real thing.